Main Services

All of our services are flexible and can be tailored to fit your individual business requirements. Typically we would provide the following as a minimum:

Terms & Conditions of Employment - We will draw up and provide employment contracts for all your staff, covering the main legal requirements plus any additional areas that are relevant to your particular industry.

Policies and Procedures - We will write and provide a staff handbook which will contain all the main policies and procedures relating to employment.

Employment Law Updates - We provide a regular news letter which will bring to your attention details of the main up and coming changes to employment law which may be relevant to you.

Telephone and email helpline - We will provide friendly support and advice across the whole range of HR issues you may face. From relatively simple questions such as sickness or holiday queries to more difficult areas such as redundancy and dismissals. We will help you in a practical way that best suits you, whether that be by telephone, email or face to face. In addition we can provide you with the necessary letters or documentation that you may require.

All of the above starts from just £30 a month depending on the size of your Company.


Additional Services

Recruitment and Selection - we can provide help with application forms, job descriptions, short listing and interviewing, not to mention offer letters when you have found the right candidate.

Appraisal and Performance Management - We can help you to set up and deliver an effective appraisal system which can in turn lead to a performance management system.

Training and Implementation - We can assist you and your staff in dealing with a variety of HR situations by providing practical and effective training in areas such as the disciplinary process, interviewing techniques and dealing with under performance.